Monday, January 5, 2009


Children can be considered to be the most important part of the society as the future of any society and culture bears along with them. Many countries and communities focus more on children about their growth and personality development so that their children are able to take responsibilities in future. This is common in eastern countries than in western countries.

After the industrial revolution, which started from Great Britain in 18 th century and spread all over Europe and rest of the world subsequently, the world started to shrink and people had to work more to fulfill their needs. The protection and care for children gradually decreased in this economic centric world and children were forced to make some impact of family income as it was difficult to survive. The situation has worsened over the years and it is not uncommon to see children working in different industries nowadays. Being poor, Third world countries are experiencing this tragic situation than any other country in the world.

However, some people regard child labor is important for children as it gives them valuable working experience which is essential for their learning and taking responsibilities. This idea is also supported by the fact that it is a useful method of improving family income. Unfortunately children who work to supplement their family income do not learn much out of their work rather than hard laboring activities and it is unlikely to teach them about taking responsibilities. Most children experience many hardships while working and this effects their personality development badly and decrease their enthusiasm on studies and school work. It can be observed that children who are engaged in paid work have a very low ratio of finishing their studies successfully.

Every child must have a fairly good education without being disturbed form activities like paid work and it is a essentials part of the development of children and country. It is the responsibility of the government and their parents to take care of their children and guide them to a successful future.

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