The city of Erzurum is the largest of Eastern Anatolia. Its name originates from Ars-er-Rum (the land of the Romans) as the Seljuks called after they conquered the Byzantines. The severe climate and sparse landscape make some visitors say that in Erzurum, one has the impression that winter has never gone. Erzurum has really two faces. On the one hand there is the city of the God-fearing conservative muslims, and on the other hand there is the modern open and airy city, with wide tree lined boulevards and university buildings, lying in the midst of the vast surrounding steppe. Ancient Erzurum offers some interesting examples of Seljuk architecture. Most important are the Yakutiye Medresesi, which houses now the ethnographical museum, the Çifte Minareli Medrese (Twin Minaret Seminary), and Üç Kümbetler (Three Tombs). Erzurum is also a good starting point for discovering the valleys of Georgian Turkey.
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