Nanotechnology deals with particles in scales of molecular or atomic range, normally 1 to 100 nanometers, it is an applied science and technology discipline used in with a broad area such as medicine, engineering, computer and IT, materials, energy generation and consumer goods.
Nano is a Greek word for English word dwarf, which implies that nanotechnology deals with very small scale things. As motioned above, those particles of non scale are used as fundamental building materials for inventing new applications.
- Carbon Bucky balls
- Carbon Nano tubes
Carbon Bucky balls
Also known as Buckministerfullerine, Named after American architect R. Buckminister Fuller who designed a geodesic dome with the same fundamental symmetry, is the roundest and most symmetrical large molecule known to man. This consists of 60 carbon atoms placed with equal distance with series of interlocking hexagons and pentagons forming a structure that looks similar to a soccer ball.
C60 is the third most common form of pure carbon next to graphite and diamond respectively. C60 is actually consisting of 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons creating a structure known as icosohedron. It is also the only molecule composed of a single element to form a hollow spheroid.

Buckyball has high receptivity to high speed collisions and can be made very hard and strong by compressing it. It can be obtain buckyball with more than twice as hard as its cousin, diamond by compressing it to 70 percent of its original size
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